Wilder Nature
Tarcu Mountains, Romania
The WILDER NATURE training course is a collaborative training specifically designed for guides, together with our strategical partner EWES (European Wilderness Education School) and with local support of WeWilder in the Țarcu Mountains, the second bison rewilding site in Romania. Over the past decade, WWF Romania and the local community of Armenis, have been working together to create a stable free-roaming population of European bison in this area which forms one of the last remaining wilderness strongholds in Europe.
You will be hosted in an exceptional example of sustainable community development and introduce in the concepts of Nature Positive Tourism and Rewilding practices. It is also a unique chance to gain first-hand experience in community engagement and ethical wilderness guiding in an iconic rewilding area in Europe from the hands of Europe’s top Wilderness Instructors of EWES.
The course consists of an Online and a Field component. In the online webinars by MOYO Training Foundation, you will be given a broad introduction into nature positive tourism with explanation of the tourism industry, conservation trends including rewilding, community engagement, the role and opportunity of enterprise impact, and more.
During the field visit you will sleep in self-made shelters, learn how to make fire, observe bison and track animals. By combining the necessary technical skills in the wilderness with the soft skills, you will be able to create memorable experiences.
Minimum 6, maximum 10 participants.
* All MOYO programs are (aside from transport to Rome) fully inclusive, and come with a 10& give back on top of the training price, that flows into a fund to a) support nature in the areas we operate in, and b) benefits new trainees through (partly) funded training programs.
Wilderness guiding, Nature Positive tourism and Sustainable Community Development

Aukje Van Gerven coordinates operations & logistics, and facilitates parts of the training program.

Renske Verhulst
- Netherlands
"Nature positive tourism is another way of thinking. It have me a different perspective on the word sustainable tourism. know that the next time I go on holiday or trekking into nature, I will not only think about 'leave no trace', but also about how I can contribute to not only keeping that beautiful nature existing and accessible for me, but also for all it's inhabitants.'
"This course has made me more aware of all the living creatures around us and how you can use this as a tool to feel more connected with the natural world."
Coco Teheux
- Belgium
Toni Hall
- Australia/ Croatia
"I thoroughly enjoyed the experience of being immersed in Nature Positive Tourism and I believe I received invaluable guidance for both myself and my business."
Anton Karapachov
- Bulgaria
"It was a wonderful experience to be part of these learnings - by the end of the course the participants became so confident and the whole group became one big family. From my heart I recommend these programs, it really is a wonderful experience, with a wealth of knowledge and very inspiring."
Exploration out-of-the (personal) comfort zone in order to enhance personal growth.
Deepen your own connection to nature and personal journey as a Wilderness Guide.
Holding a positive and constructive attitude at all times
Apply the Leave no Trace principle and transmission of sustainable practices
Function as a key figure and communicator in socially and culturally sensitive situations
Profound understanding of group processes and application of leadership techniques
Wildlife Tracking, Situational awareness, birding, observation, camping, fire making and other outdoor skills relevant to this module
Skills and knowledge building necessary to deliver meaningful experiences around rewilding and wild nature in the iconic Bison Hillock in the Southern Carpathians, Romania
Interpretative guiding, rewilding practices, ecology and nature conservation.
Learn about Nature Positive Tourism and Community development
Day 1
ARRIVAL AT TARCU MOUNTAINS Arrive at Campus (12:00) and lunch - Nature Positive Tourism - Welcome Dinner Revision of assigments / Go Prepared - Overnight at campus
Day 2
COMMUNITY DAY Community Learning programme - Embedding local realities in nature positive - Overnight at campus
Day 3
WILDERNESS GUIDING Ethics, Hospitality & roleplay - Start of expedition - Group management and nature experience design - Wilderness camp management, leadership, group dialogue, decision making - Nature landing
and connection - Sleep out (bivy+tarp)
Day 4
NATURALIST SKILLS & GUIDE DEVELOPMENT Morning sitspot - Group management, leadership, group dialogue, decision making - Nightwalk - Field observations and guided nature experience - Sleep out (bivy+tarp)
Day 5
WILDLIFE TRACKING & OBSERVATION Morning Sitspot - Tracking, Wildlife observation - Nightwalk - Campfire - Debrief - Sleep out (bivy+tarp)
Day 6
GUIDING PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE DESIGN Time for debrief, Feedback and Certificate ceremony - Sleep out (bivy+tarp)
Day 7
PROGRAM END Transfer back to Campus for shower - Farewell breakfast - Departures mid-morning
Farewell breakfast and departures mid-morning
local accommodation, camping
Includes local meals & and packed meals for field days
Local 4 x 4 transport
Includes Equipment, Materials and instructors from EWES (online & field) & MOYO (online)
Meet the Team
This course offers you insights and training in mindfulness, ACT techniques, nature positive learnings, and local community engagement & nature conservation, all while focusing on personal development and (re)connection with nature.
Oana Mondoc
A campaigner, communicator, and mobilizer, bursting with passion and determination, Oana is driven by the pursuit of justice for the vulnerable and inspiration for the masses—this is her work.
Innovating and creating spaces or moments for multidisciplinary communities to collaborate is what she thrives on. From hackathons to workshops, tourism programs, and bringing the WeWilder Campus to life, each initiative began as an idea and took shape through project management and relentless drive. These efforts continue to support bison rewilding in the South Western Carpathians.

Georg Messerer
As a qualified Wilderness Trails Guide with extensive guiding experience in Southern Africa and Romania, Georg brings an international flare and passion to the guiding world in Europe. Spending the last few years guiding and training in the Tarcu Mountains, he has been instrumental in developing nature based experiences in the Bison Hillock region. With a love for wilderness turning into a passion for the conservation work around it he has dedicated his time and energy to contributing his share to what he believes to be a global responsibility. With a special interest in tracking, birding, rewilding and wilderness ecology, the guiding and training experience is diverse and forward thinking.
Alina Floroi
Alina Floroi is passionate about finding treasures every day. Curiosity initially led her to journalism, but then exploration led to creating realities or helping other projects in this direction. She joined the WWF Romania initiative in Armeniș for several years in increasingly frequent collaborations, which turned into a full-time involvement in the WeWilder team.
On the WeWilder campus, she is "a good at everything", important skills to launch and keep the WeWilder Campus alive, a place dedicated to innovation and collaboration in the middle of nature.